High Rise Residential
More than 25,000 Multi Family units Completed
Midtown Reston Condos & Lofts
Bovis Lend Lease, 356 Units
Midtown @ Montrose
Bovis Lend Lease, 230 Units
North Bethesda
Clark Construction, 152 Units
North Ripley Street Apartments
Davis Construction, 379 Units
One Metropolitan Park
BE&K Building Group, 399 Units
The Place at Founders Square
KBR Building Group, 257 Units
Park Crest Lofts
Donohoe Construction, 131 Units
Reston Block 16
Lend Lease Construction, 359 Units
Bovis Lend Lease, 195 Units
Square 71
Bovis Construction, 95 Units
Three Metropolitan Park
KBR Building Group, 411 Units
Two Metropolitan Park
BE&K Building Group, 300 Units
Vantage @ Merrifield
Uniwest Construction, 270 Units
Waterview Condominiums & Penthouses
Clark Construction, 180 Units
West End 25th Street
Davis Construction, 268 Units
Wisconsin Place Apartments
Turner Construction, 432 Units
555 Massachusetts Ave
JBG Properties, 246 Units
1101 1st Street
Clark Construction, 267 Units
1150 K Street
Tompkins, 130 Units
14th and S Apartments
Lend Lease Construction, 125 Units
2501 Pennsylvania Ave
Tompkins, 16 Boutique Units
Atlas Condominiums
JBG Properties, 141 Units
Capitol Hill Towers
Tompkins, 344 Units
City Center Apartments
Clark/Smoot JV, 458 Units
CityMarket at O Apartments
Clark Construction, 400 Units
Clarendon Center
Clark Construction, 244 Units
Columbia Condominiums
Bovis Lend Lease, 225 Units
Constitution Square RB1
Clark Construction, 440 Units
Crystal Plaza Apartments
Balfour Beatty, 269 Units
Io Piazza
Bovis Lend Lease , 244 Units
Bovis Lend Lease, 152 Units
Liberty Center Condos & Apartments
Clark Construction, 500 Units
Midtown Alexandria
Bovis Lend Lease, 369 Units