NCFi Community Service
At NCF Interiors, we believe in contributing to our community. As part of this commitment, NCF Interiors annually donates material, installation and volunteer services to various charitable organizations.
If you have a charitable cause where NCF Interiors can be of help, please contact Reza Amirghaffari directly.
Our most recent community activities include:
The Boyd School
Chelsea’s Light Foundation
Children’s Hospital
Clark Rebuilding Together
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Emilio Nares Foundation
Fisher House Foundation
Habitat for Humanity, Washington, DC
Homes for Our Troops
Hospice & Community Care
Junior Achievement of Greater Washington
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
The Leukemia Foundation
The Make a Wish Foundation
Minutes Out
National Building Museum
One Lap to Prostate Cancer
Operation Second Chance - Ride Allegheny 2013
The Payne School
St. Joseph’s Elementary School
Sasha Bruce Youthwork
Seneca Creek Church
Spring for Alexandria
The SED Foundation
Toys for Tots
Washington Episcopal School
The Woodbourne Center
Wounded Warrior Boat Launch